I pretend to be a travel writer
For the next three weeks, I’m going to play that I’m a travel writer.
I’ve always thought this was the ideal job. What better way to spend your life than traveling the world, exploring the places you find, and then writing about them! It would be like getting paid to do the things that I generally pay other people for the privilege of doing on my own.
There are people out there who are fabulous at self-realization and making their dream jobs happen. I’m not one of those people, or that would be my job.
(Possibly I’m just too addicted to my creature comforts to take a low-paying, low-security job, too realistic about the averages and financial realities of any sort of journalism, and not quite egotistical enough to really believe I’d end up with a career like Bill Bryson or say Peter Mayle. Or even that woman who wrote Eat, Pray, Love.)
But here’s the thing: I love to travel. And I love to write. And right now I’m embarking on a lovely little tourist adventure, and I intend to write about it.
That’s right folks, stay tuned! I’m headed for a three-week adventure in Scotland, full of trains, castles, walks, and whisky. And Nessie. I will be on the lookout for Nessie.